Pink And Wonderful

Pink And Wonderful
Tools of the trade

Monday, May 24, 2010

What I Didn't Say!

On the day of Pentecost, twelve young people were confirmed in my congregation. I had the privilege of marking their foreheads with the sign of the cross, looking into their eyes and wishing God's blessings for their lives. That was the public part of it all. But what I didn't say to those beautiful fifteen year old confirmands is how grateful I have been to be a part of their lives,  how wonderful it has been these past seven years watching most of them go from little kids to teenagers. I am so very proud of them.

I sat with many of them in the past few months having conversations. I heard doubts about God; I heard the self-confidence in conquering the world; I heard wishes and passions and joy in learning. I saw some trepidation at the prospect of growing up in a crazy out of kilter world. And I saw smiles of accomplishment.

What I didn't say is that I will be here for them in years to come. I will listen if they have problems; I will answer when they have questions. I will laugh with them in their joy and I promise to cry when they are hurting. What I didn't say and what cannot be left unsaid is how much I love each of them.

Don't they look great?


Craig Weinrich said...

And I feel privileged to have been a small (very small) part of some of their success! They were (and are) a great group of emerging adults!

Braden said...

They are a great group and I'm sure they know how much you care for them...all of our youth are very lucky to have you!

Unknown said...

We couldn't ask for better. May God bless them in their future and continue to bless us with their presence.