Pink And Wonderful

Pink And Wonderful
Tools of the trade

Monday, April 26, 2010

Too Much to Bear?

"I Don't Feel No Ways Tired." I'm singing out the assurance that no matter what is going on that God will not forsake me. I am singing this African American gospel song written by James Cleveland because I need assurance. I know where I come from, I know where I am now and I know that God did not bring me this far to leave or forsake me.

I need this assurance. My heart is broken, because I have broken someone's heart. I miss-stepped, overlooked and seemingly did not value someone who means the world to me. This person has opened up home to me, shared customs, shared talents, time and family with me. And I unintentionally caused pain.

Now, it is easy to say I didn't mean it, but that doesn't fix it. And yet I can't even express the heartache I feel for letting this person down. I suppose it sounds arrogant of me, as a pastor, to think that this would never happen. And I guess I always accepted that I would not live up to everyone's expectations. I realize that to do so would be impossible. But I never thought I would be so affected -- so torn up -- by someone else's pain.

I can't even imagine how Jesus could stand it. As Jesus took on all the hurt and pain of the world on the cross it must have been unbearable. I can imagine, that it wasn't the holes in his hands or feet that killed him, or asphyxiation but the weight of hurt, guilt, shame, and un-forgiveness -- our sin, yours and mine.

And unknowingly I have sinned. I don't have any idea what to do, except, sing , ask for forgiveness and hold on to the assurance of God's presence --hold on to God's promise of reconciliation. If Jesus can overcome the cross and the grave, then surely God can resurrect a ruptured relationship. I am certain of it! At least this is my prayer in this season of Easter. Would you pray with me? Or join me in singing?

"I don't feel no ways tired, I've come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don't believe God brought me this far to leave me. I don't believe God brought me this far to leave me."

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