Pink And Wonderful

Pink And Wonderful
Tools of the trade

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Dog Makes It Clear

Today, the Second Sunday of Easter, I had time away from my own congregation. So I visited a congregation about an hour away and heard my colleague Rev. Paul Lutz tell the story of Doubting Thomas by heart and listened to his sermon. He is the one who inspired me to try and tell the gospel by heart. I do it twice a year on Palm Sunday and Easter and would like to expand the tradition at St. John's. Paul's telling was amazing.

But what I enjoyed most worshipping this Sunday at Prince of Peace in Princeton Junction, is the use of Lassie as a sermon illustration. Pastor Lutz talked about his experience as a child watching Lassie with his family. This immediately evoked in me my experience watching the Lassie television show. Paul spoke of how Lassie would get himself into a mess, a tragedy would occur or Lassie would find himself in the midst of a crisis. Then there would be a commercial. Rev. Lutz told the congregation that he and his sisters would worry about what would become of Lassie during the commercial. And when the commercial was over, crisis, tragedy, or even certain death would be averted. Lassie would be fine all would be well.

He quoted, Julian of Norwich who says, "all will be well, and all will be well, and every kind of thing will be well." Because of Jesus, this is the promise of Easter. Crisis, tragedy, even death does not have the final say for us, Jesus promise of everlasting life does.

Who knew that an old television show about a dog could make the point so well? I thank Pastor Lutz for his hospitality and for preaching the gospel.

What did you hear this Sunday? How was your worship experience?



Anonymous said...

Welcome (back) to the blogosphere. I just wrote something on mine for the first time in ages.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were a blogger!Thanks for the great message. And for the record, I really enjoy it when you recite the Gospel by heart...and the sermon.